Annual budgeting is available to all Chartered organizations. Each spring, the Economic Affairs Committee (EAC) reviews all student organization budgets in the spring. At that time, organizations can submit a budget proposal, which consists of two documents, to the Chair for review. Below you will find information on the budgeting process and any documents you'll need to submit.
check out the
reserve a time
Fill out the P-Card Request Form 48 hours before you hope to use it and you will receive a Google invite confirming the time, and date from the HUSC Treasurer if your request is approved.
submit your
student id
Come to the SALD Office located in ANDC Room 319 to check out the HUSC P-Card during your confirmed time. You will have to turn in your Student ID card. Without it, we are unable to give you the HUSC P-Card.
exempt form
The Tax-Exempt Form will be provided to you at the time you pick up the P-Card. You MUST use this Tax-Exempt form when purchasing items. If you are purchasing online goods the front desk will be happy to help!
keep your
After you are done using the HUSC P-Card, please return it to the SALD Office and pick up your Student ID card.
Please provide a receipt for your purchase with your organization's name listed on the top
**The HUSC Treasurer and SALD Staff are not responsible for your receipts. If you do not return with the receipt, you will be asked to go get the receipt before getting your Student ID card back and be given a warning and a possible ban from the P-card, should it happen again.

request a check
Chartered Student Organizations are eligible to request checks for payment, Follow the steps below if you need to pay a performer or vendor or reimburse a member. If you have any questions please reach out the SALD office and HUSC treasurer at sald@hamline.edu and husctreas@hamline.edu
collect information
Before requesting a check, you will need to have the following information:
Name of Vendor/Performer
Phone Number
Mailing Address
Email Address
Payment Amount
supporting documentation
Obtain an invoice, bill, or signed contract. Templates are available for Performer Contract and Vendor Contract. Contact the SALD office for any other questions
submit request form
Submit the HUSC Check Request Form. The HUSC Treasurer will use the information provided to request the check from the Accounting Office. Contact the Treasurer at husctreas@hamline.edu
reserve a space
Conference & Event Management (CEM) is accepting requests to book reservations for the Fall 2021 Semester. All reservation requests are subject to review by the Executive Committee. To help ensure safety on campus, all meetings and events that can be held virtually should do so. For events that must meet in person:
Reservation requests must be submitted at least 3 weeks prior to the event date.
Non-academic events and meetings must be masked indoors.
Room capacities are reduced to meet safety guidelines.
Classroom and event spaces (e.g., Anderson 111/112, KFR) have been strictly configured to meet safety standards; moving furniture is prohibited.
Consume food/drink either wearing a mask or with the mask immediately replaced after drinking.
Grab & go style food options are allowed as long as all food and utensils are prepackaged (e.g., chips, water bottles, boxed lunches) and encouraged.
All event hosts and attendees must follow Hamline’s COVID-19 Campus Preparedness Plan and events must have a designated person to monitor and enforce safety guidelines for event attendees.
-Events must comply with the SALD Policies & Protocols.
Contact 651-523-2474 or email space@hamline.edu for any questions.