Annual budgeting is available to all Chartered organizations. Each spring, the Economic Affairs Committee (EAC) reviews all student organization budgets in the spring. At that time, organizations can submit a budget proposal, which consists of two documents, to the Chair for review. Below you will find information on the budgeting process and any documents you'll need to submit.

join the executive board
Applications for 2023-24
Academic Year coming soon

the husc executive board
After Spring Elections, the External & Internal President elect will appoint individuals to serve on the Executive Board. The applications process is determined by the incoming Co-Presidents. Executive board members have a unique opportunity to serve as a student leader and work directly with both students and the administration.
Check out more information on each position and responsibilities below!
All Executive Board members serve at least 3 office hours a week in addition to 1 hour of executive meetings. Stop by our office hours anytime!
general assembly
All officers and chairs must attend General Assembly every Tuesday from 11:30-12:30. GA is open to ALL students and often feature keynote speakers, issue discussions, and did we mention free food?
Committee meetings are led by the Chairs on the Executive Board and attended by all members. Each committee serves specific issues from political affairs to economics and public relations.
retreats & fun!
Aside from day to day tasks, board members, along with the council and other student leaders, often have retreats and other activities! From Monday night Applebee trips to failed craft-movie nights, anything is possible!

economic affairs
The HUSC Economic Affairs Committee Chair considers economic concerns related to economic and monetary affairs. Duties include chairing the Economic Affairs Committee, keeping tabs and making suggestions based on the monetary needs of HUSC, reviewing and recommending the student fee in spring, providing proper materials related to budgets to organizations and individuals, considering funding requests (contingency fund requests, conference fund requests, challenge grant applications), and encouraging independent fundraising in student organizations. Other responsibilities include weekly EAC meetings, Executive Board meetings, General Assembly meetings, working closely with the Treasurer to monitor the status of all HUSC funds, and three office hours per week. Desired experience includes budgeting and student org involvement. Expect total amount of hours a week to be about: 7-8 (During budgeting season expect these hours to increase).
political affairs
The Political Affairs Committee Chair will address all concerns related to political affairs. Duties include chairing the Political Affairs Committee, assigning representatives to all standing committees, having a functioning knowledge of the HUSC constitution, bylaws, and Robert’s rules of order, working with SOC to review current and new chartered organizations, working with the Board of Elected Representatives Chair in the orientation of all new representatives, and running all elections. Other duties include weekly General Assembly and Executive Board meetings, and 3 office hours per week. Desired experience includes policy writing and knowledge of parliamentary procedures. Expect total amount of hours a week to be about: 6-8 (Busy seasons like elections may increase these hours).

public relations
The HUSC Public Relations Committee Chair organizes and presents the public face of HUSC. Duties include chairing the Public Relations Committee, organizing how HUSC is represented at all public events, informing the campus community of necessary events, publicizing proposed amendments to bylaws and constitution, and working with the technology coordinator to publicize events and monthly HUSC newsletters. Duties also include weekly General Assembly and Executive Board meetings and three office hours a week. Desired experience includes marketing and social media. Preferred, but not required, is some graphic design ability (designing posters and other graphics for social media. Expect total amount of hours a week to be about: 7-8.
The HUSC secretary maintains and makes public the records of all Student Congress proceedings. Duties include maintaining an attendance record of all Student Congress proceedings, submitting all minutes of regular meetings to the HUSC Council, keeping the Student Congress files up to date, delivering resolutions passed by the Student Congress to individuals specified in the approved motion, scheduling student office hours with President Miller, and distributing proposed amendments to the Constitution and bylaws. Other responsibilities include serving a minimum of three office hours per week and attending weekly General Assembly and Executive Board Meetings. We will look to our secretary to serve on various Hamline and community committees to represent the voice of students and HUSC. The secretary will also play an integral role in organizing many HUSC events, keeping lines of communication open between the Executive Board and the general body, and supporting the initiatives of other HUSC Executive Board members. Expect total amount of hours a week to be about: 6.

student orgs
The Student Organizations Committee Chair is responsible for all activities related to student organizations. Duties include chairing the Student Organizations Committee, working closely with the Student Activities and Leadership Development on the coordination of campus activities, keeping an activities calendar for all chartered orgs, working with the PRC Chair on promoting chartered org activities and working closely with the Student Organizations Manager through the Student Involvement Center. Duties also include working closely with the PAC Chair to review new organization charters, nominate and recruit representatives to serve on the SOC committee, and help to mediate conflict within organizations. Duties also include weekly General Assembly and Executive Board meetings, bi-weekly SOC meetings, monthly All Org meetings for leadership development of chartered org leaders, and three office hours per week. Desired qualifications include org leadership experience and experience in conflict mediation. Expect total amount of hours a week to be about: 7 (there will be ebbs and flows).
The HUSC technology coordinator maintains and updates the HUSC website on a consistent basis. Duties include serving as the student representative on the University Technology Advisory Committee, ensuring all the documents on the HUSC website are current and up to date, staying informed about issues concerning campus technology, work with the Executive Board to update the website with relevant committee and publicity information, update pictures and links on the website, maintain membership in PRC. Other responsibilities include serving a minimum of three office hours each week and attending weekly General Assembly and Executive Board meetings, needed videography and photography. We will look to our technology coordinator to videotape General Assembly meetings, release monthly newsletter with the assistance of PRC, update the website for easy access to HUSC representative information, work with the secretary to make sure HUSC business is public, transparent and accessible, promote easy access to social media sites, and continue to improve our website platform. Expect total amount of hours a week to be about: 6.

The HUSC treasurer acts as the student congress bookkeeper and keeps updated financial records of the Executive Board and all HUSC chartered organizations. Responsibilities include writing and signing checks for all HUSC allocated funds, providing administrative forms to students and student organizations authorized to access HUSC funds, process HUSC administrative forms by completing the necessary paperwork for the requests to be filled by the Hamline University accounting Office, convey the results of all budgetary decisions made by EAC and or HUSC to the Accounting Office so that any changes may be reflected in the HUSC account, ensure all requested checks are processed, and timely response to other Executive Board members and all HUSC chartered organizations. Other duties include serving three office hours per week, maintaining membership in EAC, and attending weekly General Assembly and Executive Board meetings. Desired experience includes accounting/finance experience or coursework. Expect total amount of hours a week to be about: 9-10.