Annual budgeting is available to all Chartered organizations. Each spring, the Economic Affairs Committee (EAC) reviews all student organization budgets in the spring. At that time, organizations can submit a budget proposal, which consists of two documents, to the Chair for review. Below you will find information on the budgeting process and any documents you'll need to submit.

Annual budgeting is available to all Chartered organizations. Each spring, the Economic Affairs Committee (EAC) reviews all student organization budgets in the spring. At that time, organizations can submit a budget proposal, which consists of two documents, to the Chair for review. Below you will find information on the budgeting process and any documents you'll need to submit.
need to know
budget meeting
The budgeting season is kicked off with the All Org Budget Meeting. Chartered Student Organizations interested in requesting a budget must attend. Failure to attend will result in a financial penalty
You have until TWO WEEKS AFTER the initial budgeting meeting to submit your final budget proposal. Late submissions will only be eligible for a certain percentage of their initial budget from the previous year
prepare & present
Once you have submitted your proposal, you will have the opportunity to present to EAC. Each presentation should, at maximum, be 10 min long. A round of 10-15 min questions will follow. Be open to questions as we might have some!
track & document
Keep track of all of your expenditures to give the most detailed and accurate proposal. Be sure to come prepared with justifications on your expenditures and how you want to expand the organization
The budget proposal consists of two different documents, the Budget Proposal Table and the Organization Short Answer.
The budget proposal table functions as the quantitative piece of your proposal. It contains what you have spent this year and what you are asking for in the next year. The organization short answer is your justifications sheet. It's an opportunity for you to tell us what you've accomplished this year, what your goals are, and any other information you'd like us to know. Both documents be filled out completely in order to complete your submission. Unfinished proposals will not be considered for approval. If any information is missing or needs clarification, the EAC Chair will reach out to you.