Annual budgeting is available to all Chartered organizations. Each spring, the Economic Affairs Committee (EAC) reviews all student organization budgets in the spring. At that time, organizations can submit a budget proposal, which consists of two documents, to the Chair for review. Below you will find information on the budgeting process and any documents you'll need to submit.

Student organizations who become chartered can benefit from an array of resources and funds. To become chartered, you must meet a series of minimum requirements. After you have submitted your request, it will be verified and reviews by the Political Affairs committee, followed by the student organizations committee, and finally GA.
probationary charter
An organization with a Probationary Charter (PC) will be ineligible to apply for funding through the Contingency Fund or the Challenge Grant. If the organization goes through the Probationary Charter period and has their charter favorably reviewed by Political Affairs Committee (PAC), they are elevated to Full Regular Charter status.
An unchartered organization is unaffiliated with HUSC and does not receive annual funding from us. There are still a variety of funding unchartered orgs can apply for, however.
newly chartered
A newly chartered organization has been approved by HUSC and is now affiliated. This status is given to organizations following their approval and until the annual budget process has been completed. Newly chartered orgs are immediately eligible to request a Newly Chartered Org fund worth up to $500 if completed in the fall semester, and up to $250 if completed in the spring semester.
A chartered organization is s affiliated and approved by HUSC. They are eligible to receive annual funding in the spring and have access to all of HUSC's funds

new chartered organization fund
APPLY NOW for the New Chartered Organization (NCO) Fund!
If you are a newly chartered organization you may apply for the NCO fund which grants temporary funding to new chartered student organizations. Orgs who charter prior to the spring semester are eligible for up to $500. Orgs who charter after the Spring Budget Season are eligible for up $250.
Learn more HERE >
charter requirements
1. Organizations must be comprised of at least ten Hamline University students; organizations may be expected to produce a list in writing of at least ten members at any time.
2.Organizations must comply with Hamline University and Student Congress policies and procedures.
3.Organizations must provide activities and/or services for the entire campus; these activities must be open and accessible to the entire student body or a reasonable part of it; Student Congress chartered organizations who are receiving allocations for the upcoming year must plan, budget, and schedule at least one all-campus event and must attend Student Organization Committee caucus and/or committee meetings are required by HUSC.
4.Organizations must have a specific purpose; an organization must have a clear and logical reason for gathering.
5.Each Student Congress chartered organization shall send a representative to every official Student Organization Committee semester caucus meeting; he/she should be prepared to report on the organizational activities and current financial status.
6.Organizations must have an advisor, on or off campus, to assist the organization as they see fit.
7.Failure to comply with any of the above, at the discretion of the Political Affairs Committee, will result in the freezing of the organization’s spending or placement on a Probationary Charter.
charter timeline
documents submitted
First you'll need to submit your documents to the HUSC Student Organizations Chair. Prospective organizations should submit a request BEFORE April.
review by
The Student Organizations Committee (SOC) will then review the submissions and send back any necessary changes.
review by
Once it has been passed by SOC, the Political Affairs Committee (PAC) will review it within two weeks. PAC will make any recommendations on the review.
final pass by
Finally, the application will be moved to general assembly and will be possibly ratified by a vote of the HUSC council.
the chartering process
to become chartered, you'll need to...
1.A statement of purpose and organizational definition.
2.A description of its membership including a non-discriminatory clause which meets the requirements of the Student Congress Diversity Policy.
3.A description of its executive board including roles and responsibilities for each executive board member.
4.Provisions for the selection of officers (including a Student Congress representative) and for the filling of. vacancies should they occur during the year for whatever reason; selection of officers for the following academic year shall be completed before the end of April; a list of the next year’s officers and a contact person shall be submitted to the new SOC Chair before the beginning of finals week in the spring.
PAC will review the application for charter within two weeks after receiving it; PAC will then determine the feasibility of the organization and its intentions and make its recommendations to Student Congress; copies of the charter will be made available to all Student Congress members and the proposed charter shall be discussed by the Congress within a reasonable period of time (no longer than three weeks after approval from PAC); approval of the charter shall require a 2/3 majority of the Student Congress Council
Steps between different charter statuses...
1.Meet all the requirements within the Student Congress Constitution, bylaws, and the organization’s own charter.
2.SOC will review the Probationary Charter within a reasonable limit of time not to exceed the end of the semester following the one in which the Probationary Charter was issued or at the request of the executive board of the organization in question; if SOC determines that the conditions for reinstatement have been met, FRC will be issued, if conditions have not been met, SOC may either extend the duration of the PC or revoke the charter completely.