Annual budgeting is available to all Chartered organizations. Each spring, the Economic Affairs Committee (EAC) reviews all student organization budgets in the spring. At that time, organizations can submit a budget proposal, which consists of two documents, to the Chair for review. Below you will find information on the budgeting process and any documents you'll need to submit.

Welcome to

Join Us at General Assembly!
Voice your concerns at our General Assembly every Tuesday during convo 11:30-12:30pm in GLC 100E!
WHat we Do
Hamline Undergraduate Student Congress (HUSC) is the student government of Hamline University. As representatives of the undergraduate student body, HUSC acts as the voice of the students. Representatives work collaboratively on resolutions to improve campus life. As a student organization, we first and foremost create change for our student community. HUSC works with faculty, staff, and administration to make sure students’ voices are heard. Another part of HUSC’s job is the management and distribution of funds to the many student organizations on campus. Every undergraduate student is a member of HUSC – they can attend General Assembly meetings (every Tuesday from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. in GLC 100E) to share their opinions and vote on resolutions being discussed. Aside from general members, there are approximately 30 elected and appointed positions within HUSC including an executive board, representatives from each class, and residence hall representatives.
Find Us on social media or Email us!

taking the lead togethER
services and support
OUr Mission
HUSC operates on the basis of servant leadership. Our goal is to advocate for and serve the undergraduate student body in whatever ways we can. We offer a variety of services and opportunities through our office including:
HUSC offers several different funding opportunities for both chartered and non-chartered organizations, as well as individuals, on our campus
We are here to support YOU. Each year, HUSC Scholarships are available to all qualifying undergraduate students, applications open in spring
We work in collaboration with several
different offices on campus to provide programs and resources that serve you
HUSC is happy to support any advertising our marketing needs your organization might have. Just contact the Public Relations Chair!
Our student congress ensures that your voice is heard. Representatives work on ensuring that students have a say in University decisions
Chartered student organizations through HUSC receive annual budgeting and other opportunities. Reach out to the Student Organizations Chair!
our initiatives
Taking the lead in all the ways we can, for as long as we can
HUSC is built upon the ideas of servant leadership. We serve our community in all the ways we can and act as the voice of the undergraduate student body. But it's not just us! Whether or not you are a representative, you can help us take initiatives within our community.
accessibility and transparency
Our campus must be accessible to all students. We are committed to ensuring that our resources, classes, and administration create equitable polices for all Pipers
We are committed to advocating for proper safety measures and plans that align with our students best interests. See our COVID-19 page for preparedness info
divestments from predatory contracts
HUSC supports and encourages working with our local community and businesses. Check out our partnerships with your favorite Midway restaurants!
diversity awareness
At HUSC, we believe that our faculty, administration, and policies should consciously reflect the diversity of our student body.