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Spring Elections Update - 02/14

Hamline Undergraduate Student Congress (HUSC) Spring Election Information and Packets for 2022-23 released 02/14/22:

Vote for your Representatives including Class/Specialty Reps and Co-Presidents February 28th-March 2nd Virtually Come to Anderson Forum on Tuesday 02/15 from 11:30-12:30p to ask questions, learn more about running and goodie bags!

Interested in Running for 2022-23?? Election Packet Application Apply by Friday, February 21st, 2022 at 11:59PM CST OPen positions

(3) Sophomore Representative Positions*

(3) Junior Representative Positions*

(3) Senior Representative Position*

*Note: Class standing is determined either socially or by academic credit. Please choose the one that you will be best able to represent.

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